North Central and Charleston Districts Spend The Day At Camp Mountain Heart

Members from North Central and Charleston Districts educate kids enrolled at Camp Mountain Heart’s weeklong camp.

The presentation on SMART Local 33 apprenticeship programs aims to inform future generations of what Local 33 apprenticeship programs are and how apprentices can make a living out of the craft. Devoting time and resources to educating the youth is a regular occasion for Local 33 Sheet Metal members.

While the presentation was informative and educational, members still know how to have a good time! Accompanied by camp counselors, Local 33 members also participated in games of dodgeball and kickball with the campers.

Bob Hartley’s Camp Mountain Heart is a charity, carefully selected by Local 33 members,  that will receive funds gathered at this year’s fundraising events. SMART Local 33 values its relationships and presence within the community and takes advantage of any opportunity to give back in any way.


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